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Trailblazer Mentoring Network Podcast with Dr. Jamie Morgan

Oct 4, 2021

You’re all too familiar with the pain of loving a prodigal. Watching them make destructive choices with agonizing consequences. Not knowing what to say, do, or pray. Feeling helpless when you see them getting worse, not better. Today, God wants to encourage everyone who loves a prodigal. You’re prodigal is coming home! I recently sat down with JoAnn Kates, a trusted intercessor in the body of Christ and ministry director of Pastors Need Prayer. She shared a dream God gave her about the coming revival – a revival in God in which a tsunami of prodigals will be swept into the Church.

Dr. Jamie’s New Book,  Thirsty: A 31-Day Journey to Personal Revival, can be purchased here:

Dr. Jamie Morgan’s book, Journey to Ministry: Discover Your Calling, Purpose, and Destiny, can be purchased here:

Dr. Jamie Morgan’s e-courses:

Dr. Jamie Morgan’s mentoring network:

For more information about Dr. Jamie Morgan visit her website

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